Beautiful and accessible
web experiences are a state of mind.
convention and
is a custom to.
Born in 1980, I have spent my professional career in web development since the early 2000s, driven by a passion for digital technologies at the intersection of design needs and usability. After studying media design, I was drawn to programming web applications and had the chance to further develop my skills through daily, full-time professional jobs, which also allowed me to pursue my passions outside the digital world, such as music and hobbies like metalworking and two-stroke engine tuning.
With the rise of CSS and frameworks like jQuery, I ventured into scripting and frontend development, and subsequently moved into backend development, primarily in PHP. I gained valuable experience in making stateless applications aware of state. The principles of BEM and OOCSS greatly professionalized my work, and advanced frameworks like Angular, and later Vue, led me deeper into frontend development.
In the past decade and a half, I have worked with clients in various fields, including art and culture, architecture, and industry.

Matthias Weisz
Regentenstr. 24
51063 Köln
Phone: (+49) 179 - 4560742